Ministries to explore
Special Touch
Founded by Assemblies of God U.S. Missionaries Charlie and Debbie Chivers, Special Touch provides summer camps across the U.S. for persons with special needs and their caregivers, and also trains “disability friendly churches” to include persons with disabilities in the life and ministry of the church.
backyard orphans
While serving as youth pastors, Eric and Trisha Porter became aware of the huge number of children needing foster homes or awaiting adoption, and decided to find ways to encourage foster and adoptive parents and train churches to be supportive of them.
U.S. Missionary Julie kraus
The worsening border crisis combined with violence in many nations has led to millions of people for whom the U.S. is not their native homeland. Not only is this a huge missions opportunity for the church, but many immigrants are already Christians needing fellowship. Julie helps ethnic pastors get connected, plus trains churches in cross-cultural outreach.
Rockaway Beach, Missouri, was a thriving resort community in the 1950’s and 1960’s, but fell on hard times as tourism shifted to nearby Branson with the construction of Table Rock Dam and the popularity of music shows. Rockaway was all but abandoned, except for cheap housing in former resort buildings and plenty of drug culture. In recent years, though, that has been changing as Bridge of Faith Community Church serves as the cornerstone of multiple faith-based efforts to create opportunities and bless the community. See my story about it in the Branson Globe, and be inspired to bring similar change to troubled communities near you!
Finding time to help
inspired to downsize
Need to downsize or minimize so your stuff doesn’t dominate your time? This blog by my daughter, Ashley Mann, will help you!
flexible income
Camille Attell
I’ve enjoyed a couple of Camille’s presentations about remote work for those needing flexible income during retirement or to accommodate a travel or family schedule.